Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blei Kynrad,Ri Khasi,Tirot Sing Syiem, We are Shepherd,Gloria

Blei Kynrad Khublei shihajar nguh
Blei Kynrad Khublei shihajar nguh,
Ba me thaw ia ngi ka jaitbynriew.
Blei Kynrad ka nguh ka dem ngi ai,
Ba me sumar sukher iangi.

1.Jingim ha pyrthei ia ngi me ai
Namar ia ngi me ieid shisha
U lok u jor ha pyrthei me ai.
Ba ngin ia kmen ngin ia sngewbha (hoi)

2.Ki sim ki doh ha pyrthei me buh
Ban rwai iaroh ia me shilynter
Ki mrad ki mreng ha pyrhei me buh
Ban pynkhraw ia jinglong jong Me. (hoi)

Ri Khasi b’la thaw U Blei
Ri Khasi b’la thaw U Blei
B’U longshuwa manshuwa u Tyngkai
Ri ba sumar sukher ia ngi
Ki ba im ha ka pyrthei

Ri Khasi Ko ri baieid U Blei
Ba ai jingim ia u Khun Khasi khara
Da jingkmen kum shipara ngi im
Namar pha long ka Ri ba jingieid ka shlei

Spah Mariang hapha ki don
Ban bsa i’u khun ka Ri
Lyer pyngngad na pha ki beh
Ban beh krad jingpang na ka Ri

Khla ka wait napha ki mih
Ba nongshun kin ym pynjot
Jinghikai ban long ‘lur phyrnai
Ia ka jait bynriew phi ai.

Kaei ba ngan ai ia U (Jisu)
Kaei ba ngan ai ia U (Jisu)
Namar ba nga dang khynnah
Lada nga long ki nongap langbrot
Ngan ai I khun langbrot

Lada nga dei ki riewstad
Ngan pynbna lut sha pyrthei
Nga tip ka ei ngan ai ia U
Ngan ai ka dohnud jongnga

Kaei ba ngan ai ia U
Ban pynpaw ka jingieid jongnga
Ki khlur shajrong ki phyrnai
Ban ai jingshai ia nga

Ki angel sha jrong ki ia rwai
Ba ki dap da ka jingkmen
Nga tip kaei ngan ai ia U
Ngan ai ka dohnud jongnga.

Behold Jesus Christ
Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, (3) Gloria.
Behold Jesus Christ is born today in Bethlehem,
He is born because he loves you and me,
So let’s welcome him in our hearts.
Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, (3) Gloria.

We are shepherd
We are shepherd
Whom the angels have proclaimed to us
That the Lord is born today
In Bethlehem the city of David
So let’s go bow down and adore him
Jesus Christ the Lord

We are the wise men
Whom the star has appeared to us
That the Lord is born today
In Bethlehem the city of David
So let’s go bow down and adore him
Jesus Christ the Lord.

Kyrkhu ia nga ko Trai

Pynsleh ia nga ko Trai

Da ka umphniang bakhuid jong me

Pynsleh ia nga ko Trai

Da ka umphniang ba kyntang jongme

Kyrkhu ia nga ko Trai

Da ka bor maia jongme

Beh krad I’u ksuid, ko Kynrad

Bad pynkhuid ianga kum mame

Pynbang ia jingim jongnga

Da ka mluh ba ai jingbang shyrta

Pynshai ia jingim jonnga

Da ka jingshai bym ju lip jongme

Pyneh rngiew jongnga

Ba u Ksuid un ym wan tur ruma

Kyrkhu jingim jongnga

Ba ngan long I khun Kyntang jong me

Kyrkhu I mei I pa

Bad ki hynmen ki para jong nga

Kyrkhu ki briew baroh

Ki ba ri ba sumar ia nga.

Ha ka jingim Jisu a to wan

Ha ka jingim Jisu a to wan

Ha ka dohnud Jisu a to wan

Ha ka mynsiem Jisu a to wan

Ha ka jingmut Jisu a to wan

Lada ngam don ha Me

Nga long tang ka dewmet

Te to wan kein Jisu shong ha nga

Bad pynlong ianga kum mame.

Ha ka pyrthei Jisu a to wan

Ia ka jingsuk Jisu to wanrah

Ha briew baroh Jisu a to wan

Ia ka jingkmen Jisu to wanrah

Ha ka Mariang Jisu a to wan

Jingtrei jingktah Jisu to kyrkhu

Jingthung jingtep Jisu to kyrkhu

Khnang ba ngin lah ban iaroh ia me.

Ngan Rwai iaroh

Ngan Rwai iaroh ia ka Kyrteng bakhraw jong Me

Ngan Rwai iaroh ia jingieid jingsbun jong me

Ngan rwai iaroh ba me long U Nongthaw jongngi

Ngan Rwai iaroh namar me sumar ia ngi

Ngi ieid ia me ko Trai Bakhraw

Ngi ngeit ha me ko Blei Nongthaw

Ngi iaroh ia me ba me ri me da ia ngi

Ngi ainguh ia me ba me don ha syndah jongngi.

Ngan Rwai iaroh ba me pynkoit ia ki ba pang

Ngan Rwai iaroh ba me pyntngen ki ba sngewsih

Ngan rwai iaroh ba me long U nongbsa jongngi

Ngan rwai iaroh namar me pynim ia ngi.

Ngan Rwai iaroh ba me ai I mei I pa

Ngan Rwai iaroh ki hynmen ki para me ai

Ngan Rwai iaroh ba u lok u jor me ai

Ngan Rwai iaroh namar me pynkmen iangi

Ngan Rwai iaroh ba ki sim kid oh me ai

Ngan Rwai iaroh ba ki mrad ki mreng me ai

Ngan Rwai iaroh ba me pynshngain ia ngi

Ngan Rwai iaroh namar me sumar ia ngi.

Tirot Sing syiem

Tirot Sing syiem

Ko khla ka wait ka ri khasi

Tirot sing Syiem

Nongialam ba shisha ka ri

Iala jingim phila aiti

Ban Pynlaitluid ia ka ri khasi. X2

Haba ki briew iala ka ri ki kwah ban die

Khnang ba ka ri khasi kan shah teh koidi

Dei maphi a ko Tirot Sing Syiem

Nongialeh pyrshah ki phareng

Khnang ba ka ri khasi kan ioh jingim.

Tirot Sing syiem

Ko Khun tipbriew tipblei ka ri

Tirot sing Syiem

Ko rang dajied ka ri khasi

Iala jingim phila aiti

Ban Pynlaitluid ia ka ri khasi. X2

Haba ka ri ha thmier iap ka la don

Bad ki briew ki la lynniar kulmar

Dei ma phi a ko Tirot Sing Syiem

Nongai mynsiem shipai ka ri

Khnang ba ka ri khasi kan ioh jingim.

Tirot Sing syiem

Ko khla ka wait ka ri khasi

Tirot sing Syiem

Nongialam ba shisha ka ri

Iala jingim phila aiti

Ban Pynlaitluid ia ka ri khasi. X2

U sei ka wait bad ka stieh khlem don jingtieng

Ha madan thma ia ki Phareng u ialeh

Dei maphi a ko Tirot Sing Syiem

Rynkat u Manbhut shipai ka ri

Iala ka ri khasi phi ai jingim.

Tirot Sing syiem

Ko Khun tipbriew tipblei ka ri

Tirot sing Syiem

Ko rang dajied ka ri khasi

Iala jingim phila aiti

Ban Pynlaitluid ia ka ri khasi. X2

Ko Jisu Ngi Tyrwa ha Me

Ko Jisu ngi tyrwa ha me

Ia u kpu na mei mariang

Da umsyep ngi la ioh kheit

Ryngkat ki jingkyrkhu jongme

Shim ko Trai pynkylla ia ki

Sha ka met bakhuid jongme

To wanhiar ko Trai Jisu

Pynthymmai ia ka jingim jongngi.

Ko Jisu ngi tyrwa ha me

Ia u soh na mei mariang

Da umsyep ngi la ioh kheit

Ryngkat ki jingkyrkhu jongme

Shim ko Trai pynkylla ia ki

Sha ka snam bakhuid jongme

To wanhiar ko Trai Jisu

Pynthymmai ia ka jingim jongngi.

Ko Jisu ngi tyrwa ha me

Ia jingmut jingpyrkhat jongngi

Ai ia ngi tang ka jingieid jongme

Ryngkat ka jingkyrkhu jongme.

Shim ko Trai to pynlong ia ngi

Kum ki khun ba kyntang jongme

To wanhiar ko Trai Jisu

Pynthymmai ia ka jingim jongngi.

Save our mother Earth

  1. Our Mother Earth gives us food

It gives us shelter, gives us beauty

We drink clean water, breathe clean air

Life exist because of her

Save our mother Earth

And it will save us

Love our mother earth

And we’ll find peace and joy.

But now what happen to our mother Earth?

Our mother earth is being exploited for our selfish needs

Now our mother earth is crying, suffering and dying

  1. Our mother earth is crying

Because of us human being

We burnt the forest, cut the trees

We tilled the ground mercilessly.

  1. Our mother earth is suffering

Because of us human being

We throw chemicals, dumped all wastes

We spoil the earth mercilessly.

  1. Our mother earth is dying

Because of us human being

We kill all animals and all birds

We catch all fish mercilessly.

Loving our mother earth is loving ourselves, our relatives and friends.

Caring our mother earth is caring the future generation.

Preserving the mother earth is preserving life and preventing from diseases and calamities.

So Let us all together Love, Care and Preserve our mother earth

Nurture the Nature, and it will nurture us.

Shaei ka jingsuk

1. Ka pyrthei mynta ka la kylla

La dap tang ki jingsniew suda

Ki briew ki im tang ka bishni

Bad ka jingkhwan shimet.

Shaei ka jingsuk ka don

Shaei ka jingieid ka don

Shaei ka hok ka sot ka don

Ban wat la sngeweh shisha.

2. Ka pyrthei mynta ka la kylla

La dap tang ki jingma suda

Ki briew ki im tang ka iashun

Bad ka jingpyniap briew.

3. Ka pyrthei mynta ka la kylla

La dap tang ki jingtieng suda

Ki kynthei khynnan ki shah rahbor

Bad ki shah lehbein shisha.

Shah ia ki Khynnah Rit

1. Ngi ieid ia U Trai

Namar u ieid eh ia ngi

Ngi iaroh ia u Trai

Namr U Trai u la ong-

Shah ia ki khynnah rit ba kin wan sha nga

Namar ki long ki ba luilui bad ba shida

Shah ia ki khynnah rit ba kin wan sha nga

Namar ka hima bneng ka long ka jongki.

2. Ngi kmen ha U Trai

Ngi shaniah ha U Trai

Ngi ngeit ha U Trai

Namar U Trai U la ong-

3. Ngin rwai lang bad U Trai

Ngin rkhie lang bad U Trai

Ngin shad lang bad U Trai

Namar U Trai U la ong-

Thap to Thap

To thap ki kti bad kyrdem ki kjat

Bad iaroh ia U Trai X2

Thap to thap , to thap, to thap ki kti (kiew) X3

Bad iaroh ia U Trai

To dem khohsiew bad pynkhih syngkai

Bad iaroh ia U Trai X2

Jingim ha Pyrthei

Jingim ha pyrthei

Ka long shisha ka ba maia

Ngim tip kumno ka sdang

Ngim tip kumno kan jia

1. Khublei ko mei ko pa

Ba phi ri sumar ia ngi

La jingim phi len lade

Ban pynheh pynsan iangi.

2. Khublei hynmen para

Ba jingieid ianga phi ai

Ha syndah jongnga phi don

Ban ai jingkmen ianga.

3. Khublei meiieid paieid

Ba phi ieid phi doh iangi

La jingim phim ju tyngkai

Ba ngan im jingim pura.

4. Khublei ko mei ko ma

Ba jingshlur iangi phi ai

Kum ki khun ia ngi phi kdup

Ba ngin long ki ‘lur phyrnai.

Ko Jisu ngi Tyrwa ha me

Ko Jisu ngi Tyrwa ha me

Ia U kpu na mei mariang

Da umsyep ngi la ioh kheit

Rynkat ki jingkyrkhu jongMe

Shim ko Trai pynkylla ia ki

Sha ka met bakhuid jongMe

To wanhiar ko Trai Jisu

Pynthymmai ia ka jingim jongngi.

Ko Jisu ngi Tyrwa ha me

Ia u soh na mei mariang

Da umsyep ngi la ioh kheit

Rynkat ki jingkyrkhu jongMe

Shim ko Trai pynkylla ia ki

Sha ka snam bakhuid jongMe

To wanhiar ko Trai Jisu

Pynthymmai ia ka jingim jongngi.

Ko Jisu ngi Tyrwa ha me

Ia jingmut jingpyrkhat jongngi

Ai iangi tang ka jingieid jongMe

Ryngkat ki jingkyrkhu jongMe

Shim ko Trai to pynlong iangi

Kum ki khun ba kyntang jongMe

To wanhiar ko Trai Jisu

Pynthymmai ia ka jingim jongngi.

My Friends I’ve chosen you

My Friends I’ve chosen you

To go out to the world

To spread Good news of love

To all people around

My Friends be the light to the world

My friends bear witness to the truth

My friends work for justice and peace

Make this world a better place to live

Wherever you may go

I’ll always be with you

To guide and protect you

And fill you with My love.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kynhoi, kynhoi ko jiat bynriew. Khasi Christmas song

Hoi (3)

Kynhoi, kynhoi ko jiat bynriew

u Krist u hiar ba ngin dup kiew

ia jing kiengksiar ba la dkut teng

Sa shisien pat u wan ban bteng

U dei ma u u khraw jutang

u rang 'iar khad nongbah lyndang

ia pap u briew un bah khala

ka sngi jingshai kan sa thaba

u dei u sim pah sim karo

ba khanatang tymmen ki kro

na duh nyngkong ba la kular

u rang kynih u rang phawar

u rang kynih u rang phawar

ka pop jongngi u wan ban sar

ka plie ka bneng la lait prthei

Suk ngai u briew kynjai u Blei

Monday, December 20, 2010

Bags of Gold..Happiness is loving Jesus everyday

Bags of gold can never buy
The happiness you’re hunting for
1. Happiness is not the money you have
Nor gold, nor car, nor dress you wear
Happiness is loving Jesus everyday

2. Happiness is not the liguor you drink
Nor food, nor drugs, nor friends around
Happiness is loving Jesus everyday

3. Happiness is not the computer you have
Nor music, nor dance, nor books you read
Happiness is loving Jesus everyday

4. Happiness is surrendering to God
With prayers and work and listen to
Happiness is loving Jesus everyday

Ka Rympei Arrupe Jesuit Novitiate

In a place call Mawshohroh, There is home away from home
And we who lives in there, call ourselves ‘Friends in the Lord’
A home for all the men, who wants to live for Christ,
And be sent as prophets to the world
We call it…

Ka Rympei Arrupe Jesuit Novitiate (4)

Though younger in the family, we are full of zeal
Through readings and reflection, we all learn to grow
The pleasures of the world, No longer do we long
For we want only Jesus in our lives
We live in….
Ka Rympei Arrupe Jesuit Novitiate (4)
Here day begins with prayers, the day ends with prayer
The class brings revelations, Meditation sets foundation
The hours of works and games, relax us and refresh us
That’s the way we find God in everything
That’s life in….

Ka Rympei Arrupe Jesuit Novitiate (4)

Oh Brothers if you have, heart larger than the world
Oh brothers if you want, to serve Christ evermore
Oh brothers’ if you desire, to be place with Christ the Son
And the greater Glory of God
Then come to….

Ka Rympei Arrupe Jesuit Novitiate (4)

Swing on a Star

Oh would you like to swing on a star
Carry moon beams home in a jar
And be better off than you are

1.Oh would you rather be a mule
A mule is an animal with long funny ears
He kicks up at anything he hears
His back is brawny
But his brain is weak
He’s just plain stupid with a stubborn streak
And by the way, if you hate to go to school
You may grow up to be a mule.

2.Or would you rather be a pig
A pig is an animal with dirt on his face
His shoes are a terrible disgrace
He has no manners when he eats his food
He’s fat and lazy and extremely rude
But if you don’t care a feather or a fig
You may grow up to be a pig

3.Or would you rather be a fish?
A fish wouldn’t do anything
But swim in a brook
He can’t write his name or read a book
To fool the people is his only thought
But even though he’s slippery
He’s still get caught
But if that sort of life is what you wish
You may grow up to be a fish

4.And all the monkeys aren’t the zoo
Every day you meet quite a few
So you see it’s all up to you
You can be better than you are
You could be swinging on a star